Website security checks by Nixu are essential for Save the Children Finland

Save the Children Finland is part of the international politically and religiously independent non-governmental organization founded in 1922. It fights for children’s rights in order to immediately and permanently improve children’s lives in Finland and all over the world.
When reputation and trust matter
Reputation and trust are vital for all organizations, including Save the Children, which considers fostering the trust of its supporters to be particularly important. Therefore, regular security testing of the organization's website is critical. “Even though there hasn’t been any problems, we felt it was again time for a thorough check,” says Jari Santonen, IT Manager at Save the Children Finland. He adds: “Nixu, being one of the leading cybersecurity companies in Finland with highly skilled and helpful professionals, was our preferred choice.”
Nixu has been offering Save the Children Finland regular website security checks for years.
Thorough testing with a human touch
If relying solely on automated security testing tools, most of the major security issues might go undetected. Therefore, Nixu offered Save the Children a comprehensive website security testing service led by seasoned cybersecurity professionals.
“Nixu, being one of the leading cybersecurity companies in Finland with highly skilled and helpful professionals, was our preferred choice.”
“Our website security testing service is always a combination of human intelligence and testing software. A thorough website security test like this usually takes at least ten days. As no major surprises or issues were identified with any of Save the Children’s websites checked, we were able to complete the project within that timeframe”, says Lauri Kiiski, Principal Security Consultant at Nixu. The testing framework Nixu uses is based on The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) standard.
“Our cooperation with Nixu has always been very smooth. Nixu’s cybersecurity professionals are not only highly qualified, but they can also explain even the technical topics without jargon and in a way that our non-technical stakeholders can understand”, says Santonen.
Peace of mind and future guidelines
“We are so grateful for Nixu helping us to ensure that our website is provenly secure, especially before Christmas, which is our peak season in terms of donations”, says Santonen. According to him, a comprehensive and detailed report listing all findings is an additional and highly valued benefit. The information is actively used whenever significant changes are planned on the website.
The website security checks for Save the Children Finland are part of Nixu’s Giving Back to Society program.