Advisories 1-2: Azure AD and Common WS-Trust MFA Bypass explained


Joosua Santasalo

Senior Consultant, Digital Identity

Lokakuu 21, 2019 at 10:32

If there is a single post I’ve been delaying for a good while, then it’s gotta be this one. This blog details a common oversight in MFA enforcement regarding federation implementations where MFA is invoked and required in the 3rd party IDP only. This oversight becomes effective when several by- design features, and implementation decisions align in a ”wrong” way.

Well how actionable it is? I’ve been exploiting this oversight in Red Teaming assignments, so in my experience its been really popular in deployments where the MFA is not checked on cloud side.

The reason of the delay is advisory 1. I’ve been discussing the ramifications with a major vendor providing Federation solutions about mitigating the configuration risks with WS-Trust when used in conjunction with Azure AD

Advisory 1 is related to how WS-Trust protocol is used in conjunction with Azure AD where clear text username and password are forwarded in TLS protected transport using the active endpoints to provide access for so-called non modern clients (Rich /Active endpoint consuming clients)

The scope is protocol implementation related, not vendor related! List of third 3rd party vendors providing WS-Federation/Trust support for Azure AD is long (some 15 last time I checked), so I am not highlighting any vendors here. I am assuming this affects most of the vendors implementing the WS-Trust with Azure AD without knowledge of the Azure AD OAuth2 Grant Types. Obviously I can’t say anything on any of the vendors behalf.

Microsoft’s AD FS can be also considered applicable in this context. Especially advisory 2

Advisory 2 is already documented, but not well communicated, and the existing documentation is AD FS specific. How is advisory 2 related to advisory 1? The existence of advisory 2 makes advisory 1 possible in the described scope.


Scope of this advisory are primarily customers who use WS /* -Protocols for federated domains in Azure AD, and utilize access policies to enforce and bypass MFA only in the IDP side. Not checking the status of MFA in Conditional Access, or using the -SupportsMFA option for the Microsoft MFA enabled users.


It's worth noting, that the attack can also pierce cloud MFA requirement if EAS clients can generate known bypass claims. There are unfortunately guides on web that advise doing this. In the latter scenario the attack penetrates two MFA layers, (Becomes even worse)

I won’t be providing any PoC’s, since all of the below advisories rely on by-design implementation, and can be replicated in few minutes, given you have understanding of both sides of the equation (Azure AD and WS-protocols)

Advisory 1 – Pivoting from legacy to modern auth


UserName endpoints on WS-Trust are usually associated with legacy clients, thus they are often excluded from MFA. These endpoints are usually associated with legacy clients requesting access to Azure AD relying Party (Office 365 services often) – This is only true by association, as WS-Specification doesn’t define any difference between the so-called modern and legacy clients, the concept of difference only exists within Azure AD /Office 365 context, which the federation service is not aware of.

Accessing ”modern” API’s unprotected by the IDP

SAML assertion can extracted from the IDP, if the IDP is thinking it’s ActiveSync client. Once the token is received in response, it is then converted to OAuth2 Access Token with “saml1_1-bearer” OAuth2 Grant. This can be done by using many of the existing public clients.

Effectively the SAML token destined to legacy endpoint in Azure AD is converted to “Modern Auth” OAuth2 Access Token, and not being just used for legacy protocols anymore.

Root of this problem is related to the fact, that for SAML response from WS-Trust endpoint there is no ”validFor” context, which would dictate, that this request is valid for only let’s say – not entire Azure AD Federation (Conditional Access solves this issue, as it binds access in cloud to different API’s)


In the picture: MFA is enabled for browser clients, and UserNameEndpoint is only allowed for ActiveSync clients without MFA /There lies the problem…

But wait, I have disabled legacy protocols in Office 365?

Disabling legacy protocols doesn’t help in this case, as the attacker is only consuming “modern API’s” (Microsoft OAuth2 parlance).

Attack in practice – On-prem MFA bypass

Example: The deployment only allows native ActiveSync to access WS-Trust’s Username bindings without MFA

What attacker does: Attacker uses ‘X-MS-Application’ header to spoof client to fetch SAML token using WS-Trust’s ’UserNameWSTrustBinding’.

The attacker then exchanges the SAML token in Azure AD to access the OAuth2 SPN (Audience). The exchange of the token is possible due to explicit support of “saml1_1-bearer” oAuth2 Grant Type, which cant be disabled on any of the ServicePrincipals in AzureAD.


Documentation regarding the flow type


Link Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 SAML bearer assertion flow

Advisory 2 – Client Header Based Access Policies (Applies to WS-Federate as well)

This advisory is well documented, and is here only as reminder because it allows the first advisory to exist.

Don’t use user spoof-able headers as an basis for access policies at IDP’s controlling access to Azure AD.

Access Policies

Some vendors might implement additional checks here, but the protocol itself doesn’t dictate those to be done. This is basically where different products provide access policies to be enforced claims pipeline, to produce authorization result.



Business policy claims?

Some of the claims presented in the following category should be only implemented to support business policies, not security policies, as advised in the Microsoft’s article


Click the text to follow link: Claims from this category should only be used to implement business policies and not as security policies to protect access to your network. It is possible for unauthorized clients to send headers with false information as a way to gain access.

Client Spoof-able headers (Examples from AD FS)

Multiple claims exist which clients can modify, or set. Below are the most common ones. Read the article if you’re curious to see the list of claims in AD FS




The documentation exist for AD FS 2012 R2, but it’s applicable to similar implementations including subsequent AD FS versions at least as up to 2016. Be sure to read the article as it lists very clear reasons,


  • a. Use Conditional Access to check whether MFA was actually performed at the 3rd party IDP for the requested API, or if there is valid reason to explicitly bypass the API
  • b. If you don’t have Conditional Access, don’t allow UserNameMixed to be used with spoof-able headers. Basically you wouldn’t allow native clients anymore for ActiveSync, as there isn’t safe header available for this decision to be made in the authorization pipeline

About spoof-able headers

  • X-MS-ADFS-Proxy-Client-IP seems to be based on the actual client IP with WAP, and should be more reliable, than the client writable header X-MS-FORWARDED-CLIENT-IP, which is advised to be used in many scenarios.
  • X-MS-FORWARDED-CLIENT-IP is often advised to be used in many guides because MS Exchange Online Connections pass multiple IP’s in headers, and thus the actual client IP hitting ADFS includes both Exchange and the Client IP’s in the header
    • as the documentation says, is best effort style header, and shouldn’t be used outside of business logic use scenarios
  • X-MS-CLIENT-APPLICATION here isn’t reliable way to inspect ActiveSync header for a legitimate client at the IDP’s side, The only way to allow it without MFA is Conditional Access
    • Also its worth noting that Basic Auth for Exchange, which is key reason why MFA bypasses on the WS-Trust endpoint are still used is going to be deprecated very soon.


This blog post was originally posted in 


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